Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Helping people reconnect with their pleasure and joy even in the presence of pain and injury.

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy Assessment


You're here reading this because you have experienced some level of pain or discomfort with physical activity, and you're wondering how to manage it in order to get the outcome you want. Whether your desired outcome is playtime with your family or improved performance, I am here to help. I am uniquely qualified to coach you through the continuum from acute injury and other symptoms to strength and conditioning.

Tell me your story

We all know that exercising regularly is important for good health, but what if you’re limited by pain, leaking, or “heaviness”?

How are you suppose to safely return to your fitness routine postpartum?

How can you get fit or stay fit if exercising provokes your symptoms? Should you just “push through it”?

Pain is our body's defense mechanism which serves to protect us from injury; it is not equivalent with tissue damage. When pain is chronic or unrelenting for months or years then there are changes that occur in our brain. Our brain adapts to a new norm and becomes over-protective, and not as informative.

Hip Range of Motion Testing

Let me help you…

You may have been told to stop your activity or that rest will make it better. But after your time off, you may go back to what you love and find that little if anything has changed, or that new problems arise. Let me show you how to continue to move when you have symptoms by adapting or modifying activity in the short term in order to feel and function better in the long term.

…Feel and move better

I treat the whole person, not just a body part. I want to get to know you; your health history, work life, habits, hobbies, and goals. We will work together as a team to build a plan for you that clearly outlines steps from where you are now to where you want to be.

I provide concierge services that includes multiple touch points and communications in-between sessions. I am here to help coach you and help you better connect with your body.

“Gina made a thorough diagnosis of my needs and strength level and listened carefully to my concerns as we went.”

What you can expect from me:

  • Step 1: Assessment

    We discuss your health history and other personal factors that might be contributing to your symptom(s). Then I ask you to perform a series of movements, postures, and exercises to assess what challenges you.

  • Step 2: Treatment Plan

    We put together a list of tools for you to use regularly to keep your body feeling good. This may include exercise, mindfulness, and behavioral changes.

  • Step 3: Back to Activity

    Get back to enjoying your life and your hobbies! We will continue to check-in with each other at a frequency that you need, and makes sense for your schedule. Our relationship is ongoing.